kala di Padang Sumatera Barat tepatnya di Perkampungan Pantai Air Manis ada
seorang janda bernama Mande Rubayah. Ia mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki
bernama Malin Kundang. Malin sangat disayang oleh ibunya, karena sejak kecil
Malin Kundang sudah ditinggal mati oleh ayahnya.Malin dan ibunya tinggal di
perkampungan nalayan. Ibunya suah tua ia hanya bekerja sebagai penjual kue. Pada
suatu hari Malin jatuh sakit. Tubuhnya mendadak panas sekali. Mande Rubayah
tentu saja sangat bingung. Tidak pernah Malin jatuh sakit seperti ini. Mande
Rubayah berusaha sekuatnya unuk mengabobati Malin dengan mendatangkan tabib. Nyawa
Malin yang hampir melayang itu akhirnya dapat diselamatkan berkat usaha keras
ibunya. Setelah sembuh dari sakitnya ia makin disayang. Demikianlah Mande
Rubayah sangat menyayangi anaknya. Sebaliknya Malin juga amat sayang kepada
sudah dewasa, Malin berpamitan kepada ibunya untuk pergi merantau. Pada saat
itu memang ada kapal besar yang merapat di Pantai Air Manis.“Bu, ini kesempatan
yang baik bagi saya,” kata Malin. “Belum tentu setahun sekali ada kapal besar
merapat di pantai ini. Saya berjanji akan merubah nasib kita sehingga kita akan
menjadi kaya raya.” Meski dengan berat hati akhirnya Mande Rubayah mengijinkan
anaknya pergi. Malin dibekali dengan nasi berbungkus daun pisang sebanyak tujuh
berlalu terasa lambat bagi Mande Rubayah. Setiap pagi dan sore Mande Rubayah
memandang ke laut. Ia bertanya-tanya dalam hati, sampai di manakah anaknya
kini? Jika ada ombak dan badai besar menghempas ke pantai, dadanya
berdebar-debar. Ia mengadahkan kedua tangannya ke aas sembari berdo’a agar
anaknya selamat dalam pelayaran. Jika ada kapal yang datang merapat ia selalu
menanyakan kabar tentang anaknya. Tetapi semua awak kapal atau nahkoda tidak
pernah memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan. Malin tidak pernah menitipkan barang
atau pesan apapun kepada ibunya.Itulah yang dilakukan Mande Rubayah setiap hari
selama bertahun-tahun. Tubuhnya semakin tua dimakan usia. Jika berjalan ia
mulai terbungkuk-bungkuk.
suatu hari Mande Rubayah mendapat kabar dari nakhoda yang dulu membawa Malin
bahwa sekarang malin telah menikah dengan seorang gadis cantik putri seorang
bangsawan kaya raya. Ia turut gembira mendengar kabar itu. Ia selalu berdo’a
agar anaknya selamat dan segera kembali menjenguknya.“Ibu sudah tua Malin,
kapan kau pulang...” rintih MANDE RUBAYAH tiap malam.
hingga berbulan – bulan semenjak ia menerima kabar malin belum juga datang
menengoknya. Namun ia yakin bahwa pada suatu saat Malin pasti akan kembali. Harapannya
terkabul. Pada suatu hari yang cerah dari kejauhan tampak sebuah kapal yang
indah berlayar menuju pantai. Kapal itu megah dan bertingkat – tingkat. Orang
kampung mengira kapal itu milik seorang sultan atau seorang pangeran. Mereka
menyambutnya dengan gembira.
kapal itu mulai merapat, tampak sepasang muda mudi berdiri di anjungan. Pakaian
mereka berkilauan terkena sinar matahari. Wajah mereka cerah dihiasi senyum.
Mereka nampak bahagia karena disambut dengan meriah.Mande Rubayah ikut
berdesakan melihat dan mendekati kapal. Jantungnya berdebar keras. Dia sangat
yakin sekali bahwa lelaki muda itu adalah anak kesayangannya si Malin Kundang. Belum
lagi tetua desa sempat menyambut, Ibu Malin terlebih dahulu menghampiri Malin.
Ia langsung memeluk malin erat – erat. Seolah takut kehilangan anaknya lagi. “Malin,
anakku,” katanya menahan isak tangis karena gembira. “Mengapa begitu lamanya
kau tidak memberi kabar?”
terpana karena dipeluk wanita tua renta yang berpakaian compang – camping itu.
Ia tak percaya bahwa wanita itu adalah ibunya. Seingat Malin, ibunya adalah
seorang wanita berbadan tegar yang kuat menggendongnya kemana saja. Sebelum dia
sempat berpikir dengan tenang, istrinya yang cantik itu meludah sambil berkata,
“Cuih! Wanita buruk inikah ibumu? Mengapa kau membohongi aku?” lalu dia meludah
lagi. “Bukankah dulu kau katakan ibumu adalah seorang bangsawan sederajad
dengan kami?” Mendengar kata – kata istrinya, Malin Kundang mendorong wanita
itu hingga terguling ke pasir. Mande Rubayah hampir tidak percaya pada perikau
anaknya, ia jatuh terduduk sambil berkata, “Malin, Malin, anakku. Aku ini
ibumu, nak!”
Kundang tidak menghiraukan perkataan ibunya. Pikirannya kacau karena ucapan
istrinya. Seandainya wanita itu benar ibunya, dia tidak akan mengakuinya. Ia
malu kepada istrinya. Melihat wanita itu beringsut hendak memeluk kakinya, Malin
menendangnya sambil berkata, “Hai, perempuan tua! Ibuku tidak seperti engkau!
Melarat dan dekil!” Wanita tua itu terkapar di pasir. Orang banyak terpana dan
kemudian pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Tak disangka Malin yang dulu disayangi
tega berbuat demikian. Mande Rubayah pingsan dan terbaring sendiri. Ketika ia
sadar, Pantai Air Manis sudah sepi. Dilaut dilihatnya kapal Malin semakin
menjauh. Hatinya perih seperti ditusuk-tusuk. Tangannya ditadahkannya ke
langit. Ia kemudian berseru dengan hatinya yang pilu, “Ya, Allah Yang Maha
Kuasa, kalau dia bukan anakku, aku maafkan perbuatannya tadi. Tapi kalau memang
dia benar anakku, Malin Kundang, aku mohon keadilan-Mu, Ya Tuhan ...!”
lama kemudian cuaca di tengah laut yang tadinya cerah, mendadak berubah menjadi
gelap. Hujan tiba-tiba turun dengan teramat lebatnya. Entah bagaimana awalnya
tiba-tiba datanglah badai besar. Menghantam kapal malin kundang. Disusul
sambaran petir yang menggelegar. Seketika kapal itu hancur berkeping-keping.
Kemudian terhempas ombak hingga ke pantai.
mathari pagi memancarkan sinarnya, badai telah reda. Di kaki bukit terlihat
kepingan kapal yang telah menjadi batu. Itulah kapal Malin Kundang. Tak jauh
dari tempat itu nampak sebongkah batu yang menyerupai tubuh manusia. Konon
itulah tubuh Malin Kundang anak durhaka yang kena kutuk ibunya menjadi batu.
Disela-sela batu itu berenang-renang ikan teri, ikan belanak dan ikan tengiri.
Konon, ikan itu berasal dari serpihan tubuh sang istri yang terus mencari Malin
sampai sekarang jika ada ombak besar menghantam batu-batu yang mirip kapal dan
manusia itu, terdengar bunyi seperti lolongan jeritan manusia. Sungguh
memilukan kedengarannya. Kadang-kadang bunyinya seperti orang meratap menyesali
diri. “Ampuuuun, Bu ... ! Ampuuuun... Buuuuu ... !” konon itulah suara si Malin
yang durhaka kepada orang tuanya terutama kepada ibunya, orang tersebut tidak
akan bisa masuk surga kecuali setelah mendapat pengampunan dari ibunya.
SI MALIN KUNDANGOnce upon a time in the West Sumatra Padang precisely at Sweet Water Beach Village there was a widow named Mande Rubayah. He had a son named Malin Kundang. Malin was very loved by his mother, because since childhood Kundang already widowed by ayahnya.Malin and his mother lived in the township nalayan. His mother old suah he only worked as a cake seller. One day Malin fell ill. His body was suddenly hot. Mande Rubayah course very confused. Malin never got sick like this. Mande Rubayah try everything possible to bring under on mengabobati Malin physician. Malin lives that almost floated it eventually can be saved thanks to the efforts of his mother. After recovering from his illness he was more loved. Thus Mande Rubayah cherish her. Instead Malin also very dear to his mother.When fully grown, Malin said goodbye to his mother to go wander. At that time there was a large ship docked at Sweet Water Beach. "Mom, this is a good opportunity for me," said Malin. "Not necessarily once a year there is a large ship docked at the beach. I promise to change our destiny so that we will be rich. "Even with a heavy heart Mande Rubayah finally allowed her to go. Malin equipped with rice wrapped in banana leaves seven packs.The days passed slowly for Mande Rubayah feels. Every morning and afternoon Mande Rubayah looking out to sea. He wondered to myself, to where his son now? If there are large waves and storm slammed into the coast, pounding his chest. He held out his hands as he prayed for his son aas survived the voyage. If there are ships coming closer he always asks about her news. But all of the crew or the captain never give a satisfactory answer. Malin never entrust the goods or any message to the Mande Rubayah ibunya.Itulah done every day for years. Her body is getting older with age. If he starts to walk bent over.One day Mande Rubayah got word from the skipper who first brought Malin malin that is now married with a beautiful daughter of a wealthy nobleman. He also glad to hear it. He always prayed that his son survived and come back soon to see her. "Old Mrs. Malin, when you go home ..." groaned MANDE RUBAYAH every night.But until months - months since he received news malin not come to see her. But he believes that at some point Malin will definitely be back. Wish has come true. On a clear day from a distance looks a beautiful ship sailing towards the coast. The ship was magnificent and storied - level. Village people thought the ship was owned by a sultan or a prince. They are elated.When the ship began to move up, looks a young couple standing on the bridge. Their garments shimmering sunlight. Smile brightly decorated their faces. They seem happy to be greeted by meriah.Mande Rubayah come crammed saw and approached the ship. His heart was pounding. He is very confident that the young man was the son of the beloved Malin Kundang. Not to mention the village elder was welcome, she first approached Malin Malin. Malin he hugged tightly - tightly. As if afraid of losing her again. "Malin, my son," he says stifle sobs of joy. "Why so long you do not let me know?"Malin stunned for cuddled elderly woman dressed in rags - rags that. He did not believe that the woman was his mother. Malin recollection, his mother is a strong woman who carried her strong body anywhere. Before he had time to think calmly, his lovely wife spat, saying, "Cuih! Is this bad woman your mother? Why did you lie to me? "And he spat again. "Did not you used to tell your mother was an aristocrat par with us?" Heard said - said his wife, Malin Kundang encourage her to tumble into the sand. Mande Rubayah perikau hardly believe in his son, he sat down and said, "Malin, Malin, my son. I am your mother, boy! "Malin Kundang no attention to what his mother. His mind was a mess because her speech. If the woman was her mother, she will not admit it. He was ashamed to his wife. Seeing the woman shuffled about to hug her, Malin kicked him and said, "Hey, old woman! My mother does not like you! Destitute and filthy! "Old woman lying in the sand. The crowd was stunned and then return to their respective homes. Not unexpectedly which Malin once cherished heart to do so. Mande Rubayah fainted and lay its own. When he realized, Sweet Water Beach is deserted. Malin saw the ships at sea away. His heart was sore prickling. Ditadahkannya his hands to the sky. He then exclaimed with a sad heart, "Yes, God Almighty, if he was not my son, I forgive his actions earlier. But if he was my son, Malin Kundang, I beg your justice, O God ...! "Not long after the weather in the middle of the sea that had been bright, suddenly became dark. Rain suddenly came down with very thick. Somehow initially, suddenly there came a great storm. Malin Kundang hit the ship. Followed by a thunderous clap. Instantly the ship was blown to pieces. Then the waves crashing to the shore.When the light emitting Mathari morning, the storm had subsided. At the foot of the hill which has seen pieces of the ship into stone. That ship Malin Kundang. Not far from where it appears a stone that resembles the human body. It is said that the body Kundang rebellious child who cursed his mother into stone. Sidelines of the rock swimming anchovy, mullet and mackerel fish. That said, it is derived from fish flakes wife body are constantly searching Kundang.That is until now when there are large waves hit the rocks, and human-like vessel that, sound like a human scream howls. It sounds really sad. Sometimes it sounds like the wail sorry for ourselves. "Please, ma'am ... ! Gosh ... Bu ... "It is said that the voice of the Malin Kundang.People who rebel against their parents, especially the mother, the person will not go to heaven unless after obtaining forgiveness from his mother.
SI MALIN KUNDANGOnce upon a time in the West Sumatra Padang precisely at Sweet Water Beach Village there was a widow named Mande Rubayah. He had a son named Malin Kundang. Malin was very loved by his mother, because since childhood Kundang already widowed by ayahnya.Malin and his mother lived in the township nalayan. His mother old suah he only worked as a cake seller. One day Malin fell ill. His body was suddenly hot. Mande Rubayah course very confused. Malin never got sick like this. Mande Rubayah try everything possible to bring under on mengabobati Malin physician. Malin lives that almost floated it eventually can be saved thanks to the efforts of his mother. After recovering from his illness he was more loved. Thus Mande Rubayah cherish her. Instead Malin also very dear to his mother.When fully grown, Malin said goodbye to his mother to go wander. At that time there was a large ship docked at Sweet Water Beach. "Mom, this is a good opportunity for me," said Malin. "Not necessarily once a year there is a large ship docked at the beach. I promise to change our destiny so that we will be rich. "Even with a heavy heart Mande Rubayah finally allowed her to go. Malin equipped with rice wrapped in banana leaves seven packs.The days passed slowly for Mande Rubayah feels. Every morning and afternoon Mande Rubayah looking out to sea. He wondered to myself, to where his son now? If there are large waves and storm slammed into the coast, pounding his chest. He held out his hands as he prayed for his son aas survived the voyage. If there are ships coming closer he always asks about her news. But all of the crew or the captain never give a satisfactory answer. Malin never entrust the goods or any message to the Mande Rubayah ibunya.Itulah done every day for years. Her body is getting older with age. If he starts to walk bent over.One day Mande Rubayah got word from the skipper who first brought Malin malin that is now married with a beautiful daughter of a wealthy nobleman. He also glad to hear it. He always prayed that his son survived and come back soon to see her. "Old Mrs. Malin, when you go home ..." groaned MANDE RUBAYAH every night.But until months - months since he received news malin not come to see her. But he believes that at some point Malin will definitely be back. Wish has come true. On a clear day from a distance looks a beautiful ship sailing towards the coast. The ship was magnificent and storied - level. Village people thought the ship was owned by a sultan or a prince. They are elated.When the ship began to move up, looks a young couple standing on the bridge. Their garments shimmering sunlight. Smile brightly decorated their faces. They seem happy to be greeted by meriah.Mande Rubayah come crammed saw and approached the ship. His heart was pounding. He is very confident that the young man was the son of the beloved Malin Kundang. Not to mention the village elder was welcome, she first approached Malin Malin. Malin he hugged tightly - tightly. As if afraid of losing her again. "Malin, my son," he says stifle sobs of joy. "Why so long you do not let me know?"Malin stunned for cuddled elderly woman dressed in rags - rags that. He did not believe that the woman was his mother. Malin recollection, his mother is a strong woman who carried her strong body anywhere. Before he had time to think calmly, his lovely wife spat, saying, "Cuih! Is this bad woman your mother? Why did you lie to me? "And he spat again. "Did not you used to tell your mother was an aristocrat par with us?" Heard said - said his wife, Malin Kundang encourage her to tumble into the sand. Mande Rubayah perikau hardly believe in his son, he sat down and said, "Malin, Malin, my son. I am your mother, boy! "Malin Kundang no attention to what his mother. His mind was a mess because her speech. If the woman was her mother, she will not admit it. He was ashamed to his wife. Seeing the woman shuffled about to hug her, Malin kicked him and said, "Hey, old woman! My mother does not like you! Destitute and filthy! "Old woman lying in the sand. The crowd was stunned and then return to their respective homes. Not unexpectedly which Malin once cherished heart to do so. Mande Rubayah fainted and lay its own. When he realized, Sweet Water Beach is deserted. Malin saw the ships at sea away. His heart was sore prickling. Ditadahkannya his hands to the sky. He then exclaimed with a sad heart, "Yes, God Almighty, if he was not my son, I forgive his actions earlier. But if he was my son, Malin Kundang, I beg your justice, O God ...! "Not long after the weather in the middle of the sea that had been bright, suddenly became dark. Rain suddenly came down with very thick. Somehow initially, suddenly there came a great storm. Malin Kundang hit the ship. Followed by a thunderous clap. Instantly the ship was blown to pieces. Then the waves crashing to the shore.When the light emitting Mathari morning, the storm had subsided. At the foot of the hill which has seen pieces of the ship into stone. That ship Malin Kundang. Not far from where it appears a stone that resembles the human body. It is said that the body Kundang rebellious child who cursed his mother into stone. Sidelines of the rock swimming anchovy, mullet and mackerel fish. That said, it is derived from fish flakes wife body are constantly searching Kundang.That is until now when there are large waves hit the rocks, and human-like vessel that, sound like a human scream howls. It sounds really sad. Sometimes it sounds like the wail sorry for ourselves. "Please, ma'am ... ! Gosh ... Bu ... "It is said that the voice of the Malin Kundang.People who rebel against their parents, especially the mother, the person will not go to heaven unless after obtaining forgiveness from his mother.
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